TerraWatt Process

Combination of pyrolysis and biological methanation


TerraWatt recycles green waste, agricultural and forestry wood waste

We recover green waste from urban waste collection centers and local organizations, as well as agricultural and forestry management wood waste. Thanks to a thermochemical treatment followed by a biotechnological process, we are able to take full advantage of this material. We can produce biochar and biogas from green waste, wood waste, fibrous waste and compost residues.

Biological methanation Soil improver Carbon capture   Pyrolysis Biochar Biomass Use of renewable gas Biomethane
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Pyrolysis involves heating biomass to a high temperature (>600°C) in a controlled atmosphere in the absence of oxygen. Biomass is broken down into syngas and biochar. Some of the syngas produced is used to supply heat to the pyrolysis kiln.

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The other part of the syngas produced is injected into biological methanation reactors. These bioreactors contain methanogenic microorganisms and convert syngas into biogas. This biogas is then cleaned and injected into the grid or used as biofuel.


Enriches soil life and improves crop yields

Biochar encourages microbial activity and helps improve soil porosity. Biochar also increases water retention, nutrient content, and soil fertility.

Enables carbon sequestration

Biochar is a product with a very high carbon content (~80%). Its stability in the soil has been estimated to be hundreds of years, helping to sequester carbon in the soil in the long term.

Terra Watt technology
Terra Watt technology


Biomethane to be injected into the grid

After the purification of the biogas obtained by biological methanation, this synthetic biomethane has the same quality as biomethane from conventional anaerobic digestion. 

Energy from biomass

The biomethane produced can be injected directly into the natural gas network. It can also be used to generate heat and electricity, or as a transport fuel (BioCNG/LNG).

Working together to develop a low carbon industry

Are you a farmer and do you have biomass to recover? Are you a local authority with green waste to recycle?

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