Our projects

Taking action for the energy transition


We currently participate in two European consortia funded by the HORIZON EUROPE programs

These projects aim to optimize the production of biomethane from non-fermentable biomass, and to produce biochar for agronomic use. 

Our goal is to develop circular projects for a responsible future, using reliable, robust and low-tech technology.

Terra Watt projects


sempre bio logo

Innovative production of biomethane
from green waste

Terra Watt projects


Terra Watt projects

Production of a biofertilizer from green waste
to improve agricultural soils

Projects funded by the European Union

partenaire europeen

These projects are funded by the European Union’s HORIZON program. However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the authority granting the aid can be held responsible for it.

Do you want to act in favor of decarbonization?

Are you a farmer with biomass to exploit?
Are you a local authority with green waste to recycle?

Let's develop your project together
Let's develop your project together
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